how did psychedelic rock start

How did psychedelic rock start


Psychedelic rock is a subgenre of rock that uses psychedelic imagery and lyrics. It is often used to describe the music of the late 1960s and early 1970s, but the term may also be used for any type of rock music with psychedelic qualities.
Let’s discuss how did psychedelic rock start.

A psychedelic rock typically employs swirling guitar riffs, and extended solos played by a guitarist using a distorted electric guitar or arch top guitar, with bass and drums; it also makes use of electronic instruments such as synthesizers and effects pedals, as well as innovative studio techniques such as sound distortion and echo effects.

Its lyrics often express philosophical ideals associated with the movement toward greater individual freedom from social norms or conformity in favor of self-realization through spiritual experiences resulting from hallucinogenic drug use; however, there are exceptions to this general synopsis. During its first wave (circa 1965–72), many acts were influenced by folk music; British invasion bands like the Beatles, who incorporated influences from American blues artists into their work, became known as “psychedelic.”

Later in the 1960s and 1970s, psychedelic rock acquired several distinct regional scenes, like the British psych scene led by then-unknown bands like Pink Floyd or early American bands such as Captain Beefheart.

In 1967, The Doors released their debut album which was followed by another album called Strange Days which achieved platinum status in 1968 even though it charted at #1 on the Billboard Top 200 albums chart only twice during one week on November 11th, 1967 – November 18th, 1967 before dropping again without entering top 200 again until April 25th, 1969 when it entered again at #4 after staying on top 200 for 8 weeks total time frame between 5/25/69 & 8/2/69 before leaving again never to be seen inside top 200 again ever since making this record not only more expensive than other records, but also the rarest one ever made anywhere.

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Woman lost in the red forest by Psychedelic Fabrica on Zazzle

First, the Beatles did LSD and started to write songs and record music based on the wild experiences they had while tripping on acid.

First, the Beatles did LSD and started to write songs and record music based on the wild experiences they had while tripping on acid.

In 1938, the Swiss chemist Albert Hoffman discovered lysergic acid dimethylamine (LSD). In 1943, Hoffman first synthesized LSD at Sandoz Laboratories in Basel, Switzerland. A few years later, in 1947, it was tested by psychiatric researchers as a treatment for alcoholism and depression. Still, there wasn’t much interest in using it further until after World War II ended because there were more pressing matters at hand like rebuilding Europe’s economy and infrastructure after all those years of war against Germany (during which time Hitler made sure no one could get any good drugs).

In the 1950s, LSD was used in experiments to treat alcoholism and other mental illnesses. However, many people who took the substance experienced severe adverse reactions that included panic attacks and psychotic episodes. The first person known to have taken LSD deliberately was an American writer named Aldous Huxley, who had been using mescaline since 1937 as a way of exploring consciousness. In 1954, his friend Dr. Humphry Ormond gave him a dose of mescaline (which he called a “phanerophyte”), but this time it didn’t work, so he tried LSD instead, which produced the same effects but was more potent than the mescaline.

Huxley wrote about his experience in The Doors of Perception, which was later made into a film of the same name (also called Heaven and Hell). Huxley’s work helped to popularize LSD as a recreational drug, although it wasn’t until 1967 that it became widely known as such after it was featured in an article written by Dr. Leary and Ralph Metzner as well as in their book “The Psychedelic Experience: A Manual Based on the Tibetan Book of the Dead.”

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Following the All Seeing Eye by Psychedelic Fabrica on Zazzle

The other thing that happened was that a child of country blues, Jimi Hendrix, got famous with his stratospheric guitar playing and wild ideas about where music should go.

The other thing that happened was that a child of country blues, Jimi Hendrix, got famous with his stratospheric guitar playing and wild ideas about where music should go.

He died in 1970 at age 27.

In the end, Hendrix’s death was a fitting bookend to the story of the blues. The music had been born in pain and suffering, but it survived and grew into something beautiful. Then it was almost extinguished by its popularity—by people who wanted to make money off of it rather than preserve its traditions. But eventually, the blues came back around again and developed into something new: rock ‘n’ roll.

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Shapeshifting Wich in a swamp by Psychedelic Fabrica on Zazzle

Jim Morrison and Ray Manzarek were two friends who just got together one day in 1965 to jam at Ray’s apartment.

In 1965, two friends from UCLA decided to get together and jam at Ray Manzarek’s apartment. Jim Morrison was a singer, and Ray played the piano. Both were interested in music and poetry, but they also shared an interest in the occult. This was before either of them had started any bands or made any recordings; they were just two guys who wanted to play music together as friends.

The name “The Doors” came from a book they read called The Doors of Perception by Aldous Huxley (a famous author who wrote Brave New World). It tells the story of his trip on mescaline—an illegal psychedelic drug—and how it changed his perception of reality forever after taking it. In this way, he compares himself with those who open doors into other dimensions through meditation techniques like yoga or meditation because both require intense concentration during deep meditation sessions, which allow people access to higher planes where things like telepathy exist naturally without needing external assistance such as drugs like mescaline.

The first Velvet Underground album had a song called “Heroin,” which Morrison wanted to use for the Doors’ first album.

The first Velvet Underground album had a song called “Heroin,” which Morrison wanted to use for the Doors’ first album. The problem was, he couldn’t get permission from Lou Reed and the company because they were still signed to MGM Records at that time. So instead of using it himself, he recorded an almost identical song called “The End” with guitarist Robby Krieger. When asked why he wrote about heroin so often in his songs, Morrison said:

“Heroin is such a fine drug,” he said in an interview with High Times magazine (via Rolling Stone). “It gives you energy when you need it; relaxation when you need it; pleasure when you want it; and it makes all other problems seem insignificant by comparison.”

One person interested in this idea was Brian Wilson of The Beach Boys, who started working on a psychedelic project called Smile but couldn’t finish it because he developed a mental illness.

The idea of psychedelic rock started with one person who was interested in this idea. That person is Brian Wilson, the leader and principal songwriter of the Beach Boys. When he heard that The Beatles were going to release an album called Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band, which would be the first-ever psychedelic album, he wanted to make one too.

Brian Wilson hired Van Dyke Parks (a friend whom he met through a mutual friend) to write lyrics for his new project, Smile but wasn’t able to finish it because he developed a mental illness.

He had to go through therapy, which led him to become more aware of his mental health issues. Brian Wilson eventually got better and finished Smile, an album he wanted to make as a musical about a boy on an island where everyone had their own emotion.

Frank Zappa started The Mothers of Invention in 1964 and spent a lot of time writing and practicing songs before recording their first LP in 1966.

Frank Zappa started The Mothers of Invention in 1964 and spent a lot of time writing and practicing songs before recording their first LP in 1966. He was a musician, songwriter, and producer who was known for his satirical lyrics.

Zappa’s band was one of the first groups to use electronic instruments such as synthesizers on their albums. He played guitar as well as bass clarinet, which he often used on stage while performing live concerts with The Mothers of Invention during this era (1966–1970).

Zappa was also known for his extensive work with the Synclavier, a computer-based music system. Zappa recorded several albums of instrumental music using the Synclavier and released them under various names, including The Yellow Shark (1993) and Jazz from Hell (2006).

how to create psychedelic art in photoshop
The Abstract Landscape of swirling patterns by Psychedelic Fabrica on Zazzle and Society 6

Syd Barrett, one of the founding members of Pink Floyd, started experimenting with LSD at 15 years old when he went to art school with Roger Waters (the future bassist for Pink Floyd). Zappa hired him as an assistant engineer because he liked “his ability to put complex ideas into straightforward terms.” — Frank Zappa.

Syd Barrett, one of the founding members of Pink Floyd, started experimenting with LSD at 15 years old when he went to art school with Roger Waters (the future bassist for Pink Floyd). Zappa hired him as an assistant engineer because he liked his ability to put complex ideas into straightforward terms.

Syd’s first solo album was “The Madcap Laughs,” and it was released in 1970 by Harvest Records, a subsidiary of EMI Records. The album featured David Gilmour on lead guitar, who would later join Pink Floyd himself in 1978 after Syd left due to mental illness brought on by excessive drug use (primarily LSD)

and mental illness. He was replaced by David Gilmour, who stayed with Pink Floyd until he died in 2008.

13th Floor Elevators

The 13th Floor Elevators are one of the most iconic rock bands to ever emerge from the 1960s music scene. They were pioneers of psychedelic sound, leading the way for alternative rock and progressive rock in the decades to come. As one of the earliest psychedelic bands, they embraced counterculture and inspired countless other psychedelic bands with their unique sound. Their influence on music is undeniable, as they helped create a new genre of acid rock that was unmatched by any other act at the time. Even today, their influence can be heard in modern alternative and psychedelic music, making them an important part of progressive rock’s history. They will forever remain one of the most influential acts in underground music, inspiring legions of dedicated fans around the world.

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Woman Lost in Mushrooms Forest by Psychedelic Fabrica on Zazzle and Society 6

Etymology and acid rock

Etymology and acid rock have been intertwined since the 1960s. Acid rock is a type of music that incorporates psychedelic elements, including distorted electric guitar, synthesizers, and electronic effects. The genre traces its roots back to the Grateful Dead, who included electronics in their sound as early as 1965. Other influential bands such as Erickson, John Lennon, his Plastic Ono Band, and various psychedelic jug bands also embraced the use of electronics in their music during this time. In addition to electric instruments, acid rock often incorporated traditional Indian instruments such as sitars and tablas for a unique sound. Today, acid rock continues to influence many genres of electronic music by introducing new sounds and effects into popular culture.


Psychedelic rock is a genre that emerged in the 1960s. The term refers to rock music with psychedelic influences and sometimes experimental qualities. Psychedelia had its heyday between 1965 and 1969. It was a time of great social change and experimentation, which some people credit for the popularity of psychedelic rock music during this period.

Psychedelic rock first gained mainstream exposure after The Beatles released “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” in 1967. Other bands followed suit by incorporating psychedelia into their music, following The Beatles’ trailblazing of “Sgt Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band” in 1967, psychedelic rock became more widely known and popular. Soon after, other bands started to blend psychedelia into their sound, including Pink Floyd with “The Piper at the Gates of Dawn” album in 1967 as well as Jefferson Airplane on their 1968 self-titled album release.

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