Psychedelic wall clock

Psychedelic clothing and home decor.

How To Use Psychedelic Tones In Your Everyday Items


Psychedelic clothing and home decor are a fun way to find pep in your step. If you’re not sure how to incorporate these bright colors into your everyday life, try some of these ideas:

Psychedelic Clothing: For Every Occasion!

Psychedelic clothing is the perfect way to express yourself. There are many styles of psychedelic clothing, so you can find something that fits your personality and style.

Psychedelic clothing can be worn in many different settings, from concerts and festivals to parties with friends or even just a casual stroll around town! You can wear it year-round, too; whether you’re feeling warm or cold, a pair of jeans will keep you comfortable no matter what season it is outside!

If there’s one thing we know about our customers at Psychedelic Fabrica, it’s this: they love their friends (and sometimes themselves) as much as we do! That’s why we make sure all our products are available in multiple sizes, so everyone can feel comfortable showing off their favorite designs while looking great doing so!

Psychedelic Home Decor: Bring Your Home to Life!

Psychedelic art is a form of visionary art that is inspired by the psychedelic experience. It can be used to create a sense of wonder and awe, which can be very helpful in putting you in a good mood for your day-to-day activities. If you’re looking for ways to decorate your home with psychedelic tones, here are some ideas:

  • Psychedelic wall art – There’s plenty out there! You can pick up prints from artists who specialize in this style (like Alex Grey), or even paint something yourself if you have some artistic talent! Heck, you can even buy those from us, of course: Check our store on Zazzle.
  • Psychedelic furniture – Again, there are lots of options available online–just search “psychedelic furniture” on Google Images and see what comes up! We have some in our inventory, on Society 6: what about getting a rug or a wall clock?
Psychedelic clothing and home decor

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Psychedelic clothing and home decor

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  • Psychedelic accessories: There are many products out there that can help you decorate your home in a psychedelic style. Try shopping at a store like Urban Outfitters or Anthropologie! We have some too! Check our store on Zazzle. We can also include psychedelic jigsaw puzzles in the category of accessories – or “home games”- if you will; even in this case, we got you covered.
Psychedelic clothing and home decor

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  • Psychedelic kitchenware: If you’re looking for ways to take your cooking up a notch, consider getting some psychedelic kitchenware. You can find things like plates and cups with bright colors, geometric patterns, and other interesting designs.
  • Psychedelic art: There’s plenty of art out there that fits the psychedelic theme! Look for posters or paintings from artists who specialize in this style (like Alex Grey), or even paint something yourself if you have artistic talent! We got you fully covered here: Check our store on Zazzle.

Add some psychedelic fun to your wardrobes and homes with our Psychedelic and home decor collection!

Whether you’re looking for psychedelic clothing or psychedelic home decor, our Psychedelic Collection has what you need!

Our psychedelic clothes come in many different styles, so there’s something for everyone. We have shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, and pants. If you want something more subtle than a printed shirt but still want some psychedelia in your wardrobe, then check out our selection of tie-dye t-shirts, which come in lots of different colors and patterns including tie-dye stars or swirls as well as plain solid colors, so they go with any outfit! You might also want to try one of our leggings—these come in many different color prints but also in plain black ones if those aren’t quite right either (or maybe even both)!

For those who love nature but don’t necessarily enjoy getting dirty outside all day long, perhaps because they live somewhere where it rains all year round (like Seattle), then these rain boots might be just perfect for keeping feet dry without having any extra weight added onto them via mud caked up inside traditional hiking boots or shoes, etcetera.

What about getting a psychedelic mug? These are cool too!

psychedelic mug
Check it on Zazzle

That being said, it’s easy to see how psychedelic clothing can induce panic or hopelessness in some people who were not expecting it when they wore their friend’s Rainbow Brite tutu because everyone else was doing it too! So if this is how your day has been going since yesterday, then read on further:

How to Dress for Success or Sacrifice

Sometimes psychedelic clothing works best when paired with subversive fashion statements like this. Yes, we are talking about hats! This is one way that acid heads can embrace their inner hippies without looking overly stereotypical or silly. In other words: Wear something outrageous yet somehow still cover up all the naked skin and reveal only modestly enough to maintain respectability without sacrificing beauty or comfort in the process. We call this “fashion for martyrdom.” Sometimes psychedelic clothing works best when paired with subversive fashion statements like this. Yes, we are talking about hats! This is one way that acid heads can embrace their inner hippies without looking overly stereotypical or silly. In other words: Wear something outrageous yet somehow still cover up all the naked skin and reveal only


It’s just a matter of time before the government catches up to you and cracks down on your psychedelic-themed outfits. Not only will you be entering prison, but in some far-flung future, you might be sentenced to work in a gulag for wearing a tutu with your hair dyed green. Your friends and family may look back on your past self as an idiot for wearing those flowy dresses. They won’t understand why you chose to wear such outlandish attire, but the fact that it is so colorful and eye-catching is what will keep people from thinking rationally about you…even if they don’t mean to act irrationally towards others (which they will).

If you liked any of the products above, please check them on Zazzle and Society 6 , and thank you for visiting !

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